About this Episode
Avdi Grimm 是 Ruby 社区知名的资深程序员,作者和社区领袖。在这期节目中我们请来 Avdi 来聊聊怎样突破“中级天花板”来达到更高的层次。
About Avdi Grimm:
- Ruby Rogues
- Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests
- Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby
- Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns
- Factoring
- How Developers Stop Learning: Rise of the Expert Beginner
- Go ahead and make a mess (Sandi Metz)
- Who I want to hire (Chad Fowler)
- I feel the opposite of burn out, interview with Chad Fowler
- Software Engineering Radio
- Pair Programming with me
- Corey Haines, Software Journeyman
- The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
- Wide Teams
- DivShot
- FantastiCal
- Domain Driven Design
- Destroy All Software
- RubyTapas