About this Episode
本期由 Terry Tai 主持,Dingding Ye 协作主持,邀请到Richard Huang 和 XDite 一起回顾了这一次RedDotRubyConf之行,扯扯淡,谈谈收获。同时也谈谈他们两人在这次大会上名为 "Building Asynchronous APIs" 和 "Secure Your Rails Application: The Basics"两个演讲。
- RedDotRubyConf
- 珍宝海鲜楼
- 天天海南鸡饭
- Universal Studios Singapore
- Refactoring Rails
- JRuby For The Win
- Building Asynchronous APIs
- Concurrency In Ruby
- Ruby 2.0 on Rails in Production
- LessConf
- Secure Your Rails Application
- Security is Hard
- em-synchrony
- Goliath
- Grape
- Sinatra
- sinatra-synchrony
- async-rails
- 构建异步的API服务
- Strong Parameters
- Yehuda Katz
- DHH slice pattern
- Double Your Freelancing Rate in 14 Days
- The blueprint
- Don't Let Your Business Run You
- DNSimple
- Reform
- Warden Github Rails
- gosu gem
- LogDown
- COOKPAD 24-hour Hackathon Competition
- Medium
- 南京第一次Ruby聚会