本期由叶玎玎主持,邀请了开发者头条和码农周刊的创办人戚祥来 Teahour 做客。说起码农周刊和开发者头条,可能大家都已经很熟悉了,小编本人每天有空也会看几篇。但是对于这两个产品背后的人,相信大部分人并不太熟悉。所以这次有幸邀请了同为媒体圈的戚祥同学,我们来聊聊技术媒体的那些事。
A clean, simple landing page with an embedded HTML5 audio player (and audio cards for Twitter and Facebook).
Paste this code to embed an HTML5 audio player with controls.
Useful if you want to create a direct download link, embed in your own player, post from another publishing engine, link to from Patreon, etc.'